Awards and Recognitions
Modern Graphic has won awards and recognitions from leading international media, acknowledging the excellence of its graphics and multimedia products. This accomplishment is a direct result of Modern Graphics dedication to excellence, research and a forward-thinking business strategy.
- We can proudly say the Printing of the Invite for the Rolex Watches, The First Outlet here in Kerala was awarded to Modern Graphics in the year 2013.
- American President Lines (APL) Calendar for the year 2000 and was done for the first time in India by Modern Graphics
- Official Telephone Directory for the year 2001 for the Government of Maldives
Awards Won
- 1994 - National Award for Excellence in Printing (Cochin)
- 1996 - SAARC Award for Excellence in Printing (Delhi)
- 2000 - Six State Awards for Excellence in Printing (Cochin)
- 2002 - Three National Awards for Excellence in Printing (Chennai)
- 2005 - National Award for Excellence in Printing (Mumbai)
- 2008 - Two Awards for Excellence in Printing. (Kolkata)
- 2013 - Star Printer for the Year - National Level (Small Offset Category)
- 2013 – 8th National Award for Excellence in Printing (Pune)
- 2014 - One National Award for Excellence in Printing (Delhi)
- 2014 – 17th State Level Award in All Kerala Master Printers Print Excellence Awards
- 2015 – 5th National Award for Excellence in Printing (Chennai)